Friday, August 7, 2009

All Natural Cleaners

I hate cleaning, I do .But one thing I do love is making my home safe by using non-toxic cleaners and laundry soap . We recently have realized we spent over 200.00 last year on organic products for cleaning . Since there is no way I can justify spending that my goal was to cut my cost in half while still finding clean counters, toilets and floors in my home .

Today I got a call from my dear friend " J" wondering what products we used. We recently have turned her on to DR.Bronners soap ( if you haven't used it you must ) and so she was curious .

So my non-toxic recipes will follow.

All-Purpose Cleaner:

Mix 1/2 cup vinegar
1/4 cup baking soda (or 2 teaspoons borax)
1/2 gallon (2 liters) water

Use on anything . The smell isn't great and some people like to add some essential oils to hide the vinegar smell . I don't personally but feel free.Also using a microfiber rag lifts dirt and grease really well . You buy these rags in the car department, I also use them to stuff my pocket cloth diapers, wipe kids faces and wipe spills!

Laundry Soap

Mix 1 cup Ivory soap (or Fels Naptha soap)grated
1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 cup borax

Use 1 tbsp for light loads; 2 tbsp for heavy loads. I have never used it but some people love Kiss My Face brand 100% olive oil bar soap grated for this as well . The options are endless but the more natural of soap you use the more all natural laundry soap you have.

There is so many different cleaners and recipes out there but I find that a good all purpose cleaner is just that all purpose . I dont need nor want 30 bottles around of cleaner.

Now I haven't found a great toilete bowl cleaner so I am still buying that so if you have a recipe to share please do .

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