Thursday, August 6, 2009

10 things you may not know about ME

1.) I had my first baby at 19 but was far from a teen mother . We co-slept, I nursed him for as long as possible and cloth diapered.

2.) I would stay in my PJ's all day even if I had to go somewhere.

3.)I dont clean my house tell about 30 minutes before my husband gets home !

4.) I had my second baby at 21 by VBAC and was planning a home birth .

5.)I have recently found the love of pictures and wish I had a better program to play around with them .

6.)We are most defiently having more kids, just not 2 years apart again .

7.) I love everything about cherry blossoms, the color and the way they look and I hope to paint them on the wall of Lyla's room some day .

8.)Both my kids still sleep in bed with us at night .

9.) I hate everything about doing laundry and putting it away .

10.) my mom comes over to my house on weekends to have sleepovers to hang out with my kids .

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to have 'fun' time with your mom. That blesses my heart to hear. I adore my momma too.

    Most of my kids prefer my bed as well. Harrison ends up there almost every night. :)

    I agree, cherry blossoms are lovely.

    Thanks for sharing 10 things about you. I enjoyed reading them and enjoyed my visit to your pretty blog.
    Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground
