Sunday, August 2, 2009

Therapy Session #2

So this week we had miss "R" come over for therapy . She was pleased with our progress in getting Riaan to sit at one toy for 2 minutes . One of our goals is getting Riaan to show more patience and improve his attention span . We have worked this last 2 weeks on offering Riaan a book and then trying to keep him interested . In the past we would get through one page and he would move on or stalk some blocks, knock them over and move on.

The next two weeks we are working on patience . For instance when he is in his booster seat at meal time when he is done he will start to throw food or start shrieking like a banchi to get down . We will use our " words" with him and remind him we will come to him when we can . We will start with adding 1 minute at every meal time of him needing to use patience and waiting for us to come to him.

Our biggest struggle right now is that he is so vocally loud when he is wanting or needing something but because he doesnt have any words , he just yells .

We are also going to introduce more signs into our daily lives such as....



We hope this week the referral for the child audiologist will come so we can take the next step for his hearing . We are also waiting for the nuerologist as the wait list is 9 months .If you feel this on your heart please take the time and pray that these things will happen fast.

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